Thanks for signing up for Beta Bowl! Please take a few minutes to fill out the below form with your information so we can match you up with
the best Startup Mentor for your journey! We’ll also be sending you a link to the form via email, if you’d rather fill it out later.
Once you’ve submitted the participant application, we’ll send you the additional intake materials.

  • Please input your preferred availability for your weekly startup mentor calls. We aim to schedule all Startup Mentor Calls between 4 pm and 9 pm (to best accommodate participants' schedules), and calls are up to 60 minutes.
  • Please confirm your time zone or location so we make sure your weekly calls are properly scheduled in your time zone.
  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Please select your preferred start date or week so we can confirm your schedule and get you matched up with a startup mentor for weekly calls.